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Product Description High Quality Concrete Tryout 50mm Cube Three Slot ABS Plastic Thickening Compression Test Mortar Block Mold We can make and manufacture products according to customer specific needs.provide best and professional service for you, pls contact with us freely;Stable performance, best price, good quality , good after-sales serviceUsage: concrete testing mould. 150 * 150 * 150 * 100 * 100 * 100 * 100 * 100 * 150 * 150 mm model o'lchami LM-1 Plastic Palatus ... -
Beton tsement mender plastik plastik uchta kubul Cubdodel
Mahsulot tavsifi Siz chiroyli vansters, ustunlar, izdoshlar, bog 'to'siqlari, bog' to'siqlari va o'zingiz qurish uchun turli xil beton mog'orlarni taklif etamiz. Bizning yuqori sifatli beton qolimiz bizning og'ir ishlaydigan plastik material, bardoshli va iqtisodiyotdan iborat. To'plamda, diametri 20cm dan diametri 60 smiga, diametri 60 skm bo'lgan katta beton ustunlar, silliq ustunlar to'plami va yarim kvadrat va yarim kvadratlar uchun mo'ljallangan. -
Abs plastik beton kubali mog'or
Product Description ABS Plastic Concrete Cube Moulds High Quality Concrete Tryout 50mm Cube Three Slot ABS Plastic Thickening Compression Test Mortar Block Mold We can make and manufacture products according to customer specific needs.provide best and professional service for you, pls contact with us freely;Stable performance, best price, good quality , good after-sales serviceUsage: concrete testing mould. 150 * 150 * 150 * 100 * 100 * 100 * 100 * 100 * 150 * 150 MM model nomi -
ABR plastik beton beton Cube Test Coldel
Product Description ABS Plastic Concrete Plastic Concrete Cube Test Mould Size Plasticcubemoulds 40*40*40mm(threegang) Plasticcubemoulds 40*40*160mm(threegang) Plasticcubemoulds 50*50*50mm(threegang) Plasticcubemoulds 100*100*100mm(threegang) Plasticcubemoulds 150*150*150mm(onegang) Installation and training If buyers visit our Zavodni belgilang va mashinani tekshiring, biz sizga mashinani qanday ishlatishni, shuningdek, ishchilarni / texnikangizni yuzma-yuz o'qitishni o'rgatamiz ...